![]() I'm going to make you an offer you can't refuse...you can't question, you won't believe, and you will not be able to resist. Its just for members. A thank you for your support and friendship. We are offering a couple of discounts on the two versions of our book. On the one hand, we have our Kindle version at an unbelievable discount of 95%. That's right. For the next four days only, you will be able to purchase the Kindle version of the Lost: Children of the River anthology for only .99 cents! That's just part one of the special deal for all our readers and the general public. But for a limited time only, we will give a discount to any existing and or new members of our exclusive "Raving Newsletter" of up to 63% on our paperback version of the Lost: Children of the River anthology. Let me write that down again one more time. YOU will get the exclusive, time-sensitive access to buy the Lost anthology for only $7.40 I know. WHOA! Just go to https://www.createspace.com/6052340 Use this code to get the huge discount: MNSX2UT6 This is as a gesture of thanks for your following and supporting our events. Thank you and Merry Christmas. If you already have the book, buy it as a gift for someone. And please, please, pretty please go on Amazon and leave us a review. It would help us greatly. Happy Holidays from your friends at The Raving Press. ![]() Tonight is a special kind of night. Dark, cold, and drizzly. Perfect for do-gooders saving the world to host a play outdoors for tens of immigrant families. My friend Lucy Salazar invited me to this play--that is, a "pastorela" called La Caja Misteriosa by Dante del Castillo, directed by Dr. Edna Ochoa. It was staged at Sacred Heart Church, home of the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley's Humanitarian Respite Center for immigrants. I had been there before. It is primarily constituted by a building that might have been an event hall at some point. There are also several large tents outside where many families sleep and rest. I thought the play would take place inside the building, but to my surprise, when we got through the gate we were confronted by a multitude of people making way for the actors about to start their performances. It was a surprise to see so many people there but then I remembered the words of Sister Norma Pimentel that 2016 has been probably as busy if not busier than 2014, the year the story of unaccompanied minors/humanitarian crisis broke. This site alone, according to Sister Pimentel, has serviced more than 60,000 people. Most times it is hard for many of us to be surrounded by so many strangers and not feel a bit apprehensive. But the feeling at this event, surrounded by all those brown, weary, humble faces was one of such peace and camaraderie that, although I had both my little sons with me, I never felt distrustful or suspicious of anyone passing us by. It was a pleasantly strange feeling. I think it is the effect of the love and compassion flowing from the staff and volunteers with the Sacred Heart Church and Catholic Charities. I recommend everyone go there at some point. Just go and offer a little of your time to help or contribute some clothes, or toys. Visit those folks and let them show you their humanity. You will be surprised how they so easily stop being "illegal" and become human right in front of your eyes. It is a miracle. Gabriel P.s. Tomorrow is the last day of the Catholic Charities of the RGV Barnes & Noble Book Fair by The Raving Press. Have you done all your Christmas shopping? Go to bn.com and get those last minute (late?) gifts. There is still time to contribute with your buying power using our code at checkout: 12050555 . Click on this post to see the list of participants and supporters at the NoName Poets Cafe event.Hey. You want to know what happened last weekend at Barnes & Noble in McAllen, Texas? We blew them away. That's what happened. They loved us so much they wanted us back. So after taking our time to respond we said, hmm okay, we'll be back on Saturday, December 10, 2016 from 6 to 9 pm. No exceptions! And they knew it was an offer they could not refuse...
So this weekend we are proud to present to you The No-Name Poets Cafe: A New Literary Movement! Is this already sounding a bit pretentious? Maybe. I think it is the fact that I am calling this gathering on Saturday, December 10, 2016 at Barnes & Noble a "movement." The fact of the matter is that, while it is "new" and it is a "movement," it is by no means nameless. That is, "NoName Poets Cafe" is the name of the new group, and it is intentional. The reason being that naming something immediately cages it, freezes it, stunts its growth. Anybody who is a "minority" in this country understands this to some degree. Being Latino, Hispanic, Minority, are labels designed to put us in certain categories. And people are designed to generally obey rules and stay within established parameters. The NoName Poets Cafe is a space that we at The Raving Press have designated to foment the contributions of people who don't easily fall into a particular category, or who refuse to be confined by labels. It is also to accommodate those of a more fluid nature who have no issue taking different shapes and colors. In essence it is a space for everyone. But more than that, it is a space for those who are seeking to be catalysts in their own world. To shake up, change, and rearrange things around them. Come out to our event and join the NoName Poets Cafe. It says "poets" in the name but it is for everyone. Singers, performers, poets, spoken word artists, painters, small business owners wanting to spread the word about their product. What will you find at this event? Balance. Diversity. Incorporation of more aspects of life than one. Poetry and art cannot subsist without industry. Industry cannot survive without art. There it is. In a nutshell. We'll see you at Barnes & Noble Saturday, December 10, 2016 at 6 pm. (Visit our Facebook Event Page) We will be closing out the Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley Barnes & Noble Book Fair by The Raving Press on the day after our event. But the fair continues at Barnes & Noble online. Buy books, gifts, and other qualifying items using our book fair id: 12050555 and Catholic Charities will receive 20% of the sale. Thanks a lot. Until we meet again. Keep reading and creating! Gabriel P.s. Please share this article. |
AuthorGabriel H. Sanchez is an author, poet, actor, editor, and publisher from the Rio Grande Valley in south Texas, on the border with Mexico. Gabriel is the author of "Once Upon a Bad Hombre," "The X Series," "The Martian Ones: Tales of Human Folly," and "The Fluid Chicano." You can read more about him and his other projects at gabrielhugo.com or on his Facebook page: @gabrielhugoauthor. Categories
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